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ObservableStore Module

Stores are values that can - be updated - subscribed to This module defines Sutil's Store type

Types and nested modules

Type/Module Description



StoreCons<'Model, 'Store>

Functions and values

Function or value Description

ObservableStore.makeElmish i u d

Full Usage: ObservableStore.makeElmish i u d

    i : 'a -> 'b * Cmd<'c>
    u : 'c -> 'b -> 'b * Cmd<'c>
    d : 'b -> unit

Returns: 'a -> IStore<'b> * Dispatch<'c>
i : 'a -> 'b * Cmd<'c>
u : 'c -> 'b -> 'b * Cmd<'c>
d : 'b -> unit
Returns: 'a -> IStore<'b> * Dispatch<'c>

ObservableStore.makeElmishSimple i u d

Full Usage: ObservableStore.makeElmishSimple i u d

    i : 'a -> 'b
    u : 'c -> 'b -> 'b
    d : 'b -> unit

Returns: 'a -> IStore<'b> * Dispatch<'c>
i : 'a -> 'b
u : 'c -> 'b -> 'b
d : 'b -> unit
Returns: 'a -> IStore<'b> * Dispatch<'c>

ObservableStore.makeElmishSimpleWithDocument doc init update dispose

Full Usage: ObservableStore.makeElmishSimpleWithDocument doc init update dispose

    doc : Document
    init : 'Props -> 'Model
    update : 'Msg -> 'Model -> 'Model
    dispose : 'Model -> unit

Returns: 'Props -> IStore<'Model> * Dispatch<'Msg>
doc : Document
init : 'Props -> 'Model
update : 'Msg -> 'Model -> 'Model
dispose : 'Model -> unit
Returns: 'Props -> IStore<'Model> * Dispatch<'Msg>

ObservableStore.makeElmishWithCons init update dispose cons

Full Usage: ObservableStore.makeElmishWithCons init update dispose cons

    init : 'Props -> 'Model * Cmd<'Msg>
    update : 'Msg -> 'Model -> 'Model * Cmd<'Msg>
    dispose : 'Model -> unit
    cons : StoreCons<'Model, 'Store>

Returns: 'Props -> 'Store * Dispatch<'Msg>
init : 'Props -> 'Model * Cmd<'Msg>
update : 'Msg -> 'Model -> 'Model * Cmd<'Msg>
dispose : 'Model -> unit
cons : StoreCons<'Model, 'Store>
Returns: 'Props -> 'Store * Dispatch<'Msg>

ObservableStore.makeElmishWithDocument doc init update dispose

Full Usage: ObservableStore.makeElmishWithDocument doc init update dispose

    doc : Document
    init : 'Props -> 'Model * Cmd<'Msg>
    update : 'Msg -> 'Model -> 'Model * Cmd<'Msg>
    dispose : 'Model -> unit

Returns: 'Props -> IStore<'Model> * Dispatch<'Msg>
doc : Document
init : 'Props -> 'Model * Cmd<'Msg>
update : 'Msg -> 'Model -> 'Model * Cmd<'Msg>
dispose : 'Model -> unit
Returns: 'Props -> IStore<'Model> * Dispatch<'Msg>

ObservableStore.makeStore init dispose

Full Usage: ObservableStore.makeStore init dispose

    init : unit -> 'Model
    dispose : 'Model -> unit

Returns: Store<'Model>
init : unit -> 'Model
dispose : 'Model -> unit
Returns: Store<'Model>

Type something to start searching.